Welcome to the isFizzBuzz API!
This is a simple API that checks if a number is a multiple of 3, 5, or both.
To use the API, make a GET request to https://api.isfizzbuzz.xyz/api/{number}
with the URL parameter number
that is the number you want to check.
Upon a successful request, the API will return a JSON response with the following structure:
{ "message": "Fizz", "details": "9 is a divisible by 3", }
If the request is not successful, the API will return a status code in the 4xx or 5xx range with a JSON response with the following structure:
{ "error": "Invalid number. Please upgrade to a paid plan to use imaginary, non-real, or non-numeric numbers.", "status_code": 400, }
Alternative Usage
These alternative API routes are also available:GET https://api.isfizzbuzz.xyz/api/fizz/{number}
GET https://api.isfizzbuzz.xyz/api/buzz/{number}
GET https://api.isfizzbuzz.xyz/api/fizzbuzz/{number}
These routes will return a 200 status code with a single boolean value upon a successful request.
Terms of Use
By using this API, you agree to the following terms of use:
- You will not use this API for any illegal or malicious purpose.
- You will not attempt to deny service to other users of this API.
- You will not depend on this API for any critical, life-saving, or otherwise important purpose.
This API has a generous free tier, supporting requests up to 10,000 requests per month with numbers up to 7 digits long.
If you need more requests, or need to check numbers with more than 7 digits, please consider upgrading to a paid plan. Details available upon request. Please write to upgrade@isfizzbuzz.xyz.
If you would like to support the development and maintenance of this API, please send contact us at sponsorship@isfizzbuzz.xyz.